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Basket, available as both an app and browser extensions, simplifies online shopping by consolidating lists from various websites into one streamlined platform. It offers shopping tools like price drop notifications and easy list-sharing, enhancing both organisation and collaboration.


“Basket” is always spelled with a capital “B.” It’s not just our app; it’s our identity. This does not apply to user-made collections of products, which are referred to as baskets and should always be in lowercase.


The Basket logo uniquely combines functionality and emotion: it forms a 'B' for Basket and integrates a heart symbolising the joy of saving beloved products.
Logomark for Basket. It's a symbolic representation that merges a heart shape with the letter "B." It is designed with three white, continuous, and interlocking loops that form two distinct images. First, the loops come together to create the outline of a heart, with the two upper curves meeting in the middle and pointing downwards to a sharp tip at the bottom. Secondly, the same shapes also suggest the letter "B," with the right side of the heart forming the straight line of the "B," and the two loops acting as the upper and lower circular parts of the letter. These elements are set against a solid, square, red background.
Basket Logo mark alongside the word "Basket" on light background.
Basket Logomark alongside the word "Basket" on dark background.


Basket's primary colours embody the essence of the brand - minimal yet striking, effectively drawing focus where needed.


RGB 245, 53, 77

Athens Gray

RGB 245, 247, 249


RGB 20, 23, 29