Price Drop and Back-in-Stock Notifications

Once you’ve added an item to Basket with a price, we’ll automatically start tracking the price and stock availability for you. Data availability varies by retailer; we usually check prices at least daily. When we detect the item has been reduced in price, we can send you a push notification to let you know. We’ll also do the same when we detect that an item you saved to Basket comes back in stock.

Important: To receive price drops and back-in-stock notifications, you must have notifications turned on in the Basket app's settings.

You should also check that you have allowed notifications from the Basket app on your phone's operating system.
For iPhone, it looks like this, and you can find it in your phone Settings > Notifications:

For Android, it looks like this, and you can find it in your phone Settings > Notifications > App notifications:

If you miss a price drop or back-in-stock alert, the notifications screen lists all the notifications we've sent.

Tailored Price Drop Alerts
You can tailor your price drop alerts to alert you only when the price drops by a certain percentage or a specific monetary value. To do this,
- Tap your avatar image at the top of the Quick Saves screen to open your account settings.
- Tap Push notifications to open the relevant settings screen
- Toggle on tailored notifications and set your preferred notification thresholds. You can choose between percentage or value-based thresholds and how much discount a product needs before Basket sends you a notification.

Tip: Basket only sends price drop alerts to users with the Basket app installed, notifications turned on within the Basket app and enabled in the phone's system and app level settings.